From the Workflow tab, the EiC downloads the article and any associated files by clicking on the Download All Files button, then reviews the submission with special attention to the following:
The quality of writing meets the standards of the Press.
The title is correct (and present in the text of the document).
The author's byline is correct.
TL and TCB bylines should begin with either "by" or "compiled by" as appropriate to the submission and formatted as Full Name only.
Proceedings bylines do not include "by" and are formatted as “[Full Name], [Position], [Institution]”.
Citations follow the Chicago style and all URLs are functional.
(TL and TCB only) Footer byline has the format ‘[NAME] is [POSITION TITLE] at [INSTITUTION].’
(TCB only) LCC and LCSH entries are not interrupted by page breaks.
(Proceedings only) The abstract is present in the text.
Image files meet the requirements of the Press.
From the Publication tab, the EiC checks the information under Title & Abstract, Contributors, Metadata and Issue:
The prefix, title, and subtitle of the article are all correct.
(Proceedings and Theological Librarianship only) Abstract is present and correct.
(TCB and Yearbook only) All abstracts have been removed.
All contributors’ names are present and correct.
Keywords/Subject terms have been provided, are complete, and are accurate.
(TCB, Theological Librarianship and Yearbook only) The submission is marked for the correct section of the issue.
From the Workflow tab, the EiC Records the Editorial Decision DECLINE: If the submission is out of scope or inappropriate for this publication, the EiC clicks Decline Submission. ACCEPT: If the submission is appropriate for inclusion in the publication, the EiC will move it directly to Copyediting by clicking the following in sequence:
Accept and Skip Review
Do Not Send an Email Notification - click "Skip this email" at the bottom left of the message panel,
Next: Select Files for Copyediting by checking next to the file
Record Editorial Decision
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Workflows and Procedures for OJS
Last revised May 2022