The Proceedings' editorial workflow can be visualized in four stages: Recruitment, Review, Production, and Release & Promotion. Click the links in the columns below for further details.
The EiC and Atla staff coordinate to track incoming submissions, invite contributions from Atla Annual contributors, and provide support for contributors in the submission process.
The EiC is responsible for evaluating all submissions, working with contributors to ensure they are of acceptable quality, and sending accepted submissions to production.
EiC is responsible for proofreading or can request it be contracted. Atla staff will contract a designer for layout, design, and will make arrangements for printing the publication. The EiC is responsible for writing an introduction and for review of the finished galleys.
Atla staff are responsible for publishing the new issue in OJS and coordinating final production and mailing of print copies. The EiC is responsible for promoting the release.
Proceedings Workflows and Procedures for OJS 3.3.0
Prepared February 2021
Last revised June 2024