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Atla Open Press: Sending to Production

This guide provides information for authors, prospective authors, readers and editors of the publications of Atla Open Press

Sending to Production for Proofreading & Layout: Steps

  1. From the Workflow tab, the EiC goes to the Copyediting section and clicks Send to Production.
  2. In the popup that opens, the EiC clicks click "Skip this email" at the bottom left of the message panel
  3. Then the EiC clicks selects the files by checking the box next to them, make sure to choose the final version of the file/s.
  4. The EiC then clicks the Record Decision button and closes the popup.
  5. Once it has moved to production the EiC will either assign to a proofreader or assign directly to the production editor:
    1. Click the Assign button on the right side of the screen under the heading Participants.
    2. Under Locate a user in the dropdown menu choose either Proofreader or Production Editor and click Search
    3. Click the radio button next to the person's name
    4. For proofreader make sure the checkbox under "Permissions" is checked

      For the production editor make sure the checkbox under "Assignment privileges" is not checked.

      Note: if the message is not showing, try click on another person's name then back to the one you are choosing to get it to refresh
    5. Choose either the "Proofreading Request" or "Request Galleys" message from the dropdown, as appropriate
    6. Click OK


Workflows and Procedures for OJS
Last revised May 2022

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