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Atla Open Press: Books@Atla Open Press

This guide provides information for authors, prospective authors, readers and editors of the publications of Atla Open Press


Books@Atla Open Press' editorial workflow for Scholarly Editions can be visualized in four stages: Recruitment and Proposal Review, Manuscript Submission, Editing, and Production and Publication. 

CfP – Call for papers
EiC – Editor-in-Chief
EBL – Editorial Board Liaison
KDP – Kindle Direct Publishing
OMP – Open Monograph Press
POD – Print-on-demand


The editorial board is responsible for actively soliciting new projects and for reviewing proposals, including the selection and assignment of peer reviewers. The EiC is responsible for initial communications with prospective authors and volume editors. 

  1. The editorial board evaluates the publishing landscape within the Press' scope, identifies opportunities within it, brainstorms topics for monographs and edited volumes, and recruits potential authors and volume editors for these topics, using all appropriate channels at their disposal to distribute CfPs.
  2. The EiC responds to email inquiries from prospective authors and volume editors, offering guidance as necessary toward submission of a formal proposal.
  3. Once a formal proposal is received in OMP, the EiC makes an initial assessment of the submission to determine its suitability for further review.
  4. If the proposal warrants consideration, the EiC initiates the editorial board's peer review procedure.
  5. The EiC notifies the submitter of the decision and, if a full manuscript has been invited, assigns the submission to the EBL.
  6. Atla Staff, in consultation with the EiC and the author or volume editor, prepares an author or volume editor agreement.  In the case of edited volumes, agreements are also prepared for chapter authors.These agreements are provided for signature, along with a copy of the manuscript preparation guidelines.
  7. Atla Staff  prepares a Google Drive folder and tracking spreadsheet.

  8. Atla Staff advances the volume to the Copyediting stage in OMP and creates discussion boards for communication between authors, editors, and the editorial board.


EiC receives the completed manuscripts and uploads them to the dedicated Google Drive space. The EBL in consultation with the EiC and volume editor, if applicable, initially reviews the manuscript for suitability for publication. Atla Staff is responsible for engaging a cover artist, production designer, and a proofreader. Atla Staff also create front matter and back matter and with the EiC facilitate communication between editors and authors and contracted proofreaders and designers. All development and line editing work is carried out by the EBL and/or volume editor. The EiC designates a copyeditor from the Editorial Board.

  1. The completed manuscripts are received by email at Atla staff upload all received files into the Google Drive space set up for the volume.
  2. The EBL reviews the manuscript and makes a recommendation to the editorial board whether to move it to the editing and revision stage. 
  3. Once a manuscript has been accepted for editing and revision, Atla Staff contracts with a cover artist, proofreader, and production designer to produce the work after editing and revision has been completed.
  4. The EBL (and volume editor, in the case of edited volumes) begins developmental editing. Suggestions, needed changes, and comments are conveyed through the editing and commenting features of Google Docs. When finished with a document file, the EBL or volume editor(s) notifies the author(s) via the chapter-specific threads on the OMP discussion board.
  5. The author(s) review(s) editorial changes and comments, accepting/rejecting changes and responding as necessary. When finished, they notify their editor(s) via the chapter-specific threads on the OMP discussion board.
  6. The editor(s) and author conversations continue this cycle of developmental and line editing until all tracked changes and comments are resolved.
  7. The EBL and author/volume editor send design ideas for the cover to Atla Staff. Atla Staff provide these ideas to the cover artist and a few mock designs are received for review. Once a design is selected, Atla Staff provides feedback to the cover artist and receives the final design files for inclusion in the final file package for layout.
  8. Atla Staff prepares copyright and title pages as Google Docs, placing these in the "Front Matter" folder of the volume's folder within the Google Drive. For edited volumes, Atla Staff also prepares a list of authors with biographical statements in Google Docs, placing these in the “Back Matter” folder of the volume’s folder within the Google Drive.
  9. When a manuscript is finalized by the EBL or volume editor(s) and author(s), the EiC assigns an editorial board member to perform a copy edit of the entire manuscript. Any major questions or suggested changes are sent back to the author for approval.
  10. When the full manuscript is ready, with all edits made and changes accepted, the Eic is notified that the volume is ready for proofreading. 
  11. The EiC in consultation with Atla Staff confirms accuracy and consistency of all copy, formatting, and markup (with special attention to tables and images).
  12. When all chapters have been indicated ready for layout and the cover has been finalized, Atla Staff advances the submission to the production stage in OMP and sends the manuscript to a contracted proofreader.

Production and Publication

A contracted designer will complete the layout of the book in InDesign. The EBL and the author or volume editor/chapter authors review and approve final page proofs. Atla staff are responsible for publishing the new volume to the Books@ website, making it available through Amazon, and ordering author and editor copies. The editorial board is responsible for identifying outlets for review and for promoting the release.

  1. Upon receiving the proofread manuscript, the EiC will review any notes and suggested changes, forwarding to the EBL as needed.
  2. Once the proofread manuscript is reviewed and finalized, Atla Staff delivers the files to the contracted designer.
  3. Once the galleys are ready, the EBL and the author or volume editor/chapter authors review the galleys for accuracy. Chapter authors will be given two weeks to review their galleys; editors and authors of monographs will be allowed three weeks to review galleys. Review is for typographical and layout corrections only.
  4. Once authors and EBL/volume editor(s) have completed review, the EiC checks the suggested changes for consistency and appropriateness. Atla Staff sends the suggested changes to the designer, who revises the galleys and notifies Atla Staff when the files are complete.
  5. The EBL sends a draft newsletter announcement to Atla Staff. Atla Staff finalizes the announcement and submits it to the marketing department.
  6. Atla Staff loads final galleys and populates metadata in OMP and KDP.
  7. When notice is received from KDP that the book is live in the Amazon marketplace, Atla Staff updates the catalog record in OMP to include the POD link and publish the book through OMP.
  8. Atla Staff compiles a list of physical copies needed for identified review outlets, contributing authors' and editors' institutions, and for placement on deposit at Atla's offices.
  9. Atla Staff places the required order with Amazon for print copies. 
  10. The EBL supports authors and volume editors throughout the developed marketing plan and the Atla LibGuide for suggestions to promote their own work.


Books@Atla Open Press Scholarly Editions Workflows and Procedures for OMP 3.1.2
Prepared March 2020
Last revised February 2023

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