Books@Atla Open Press' editorial workflow for Scholarly Editions can be visualized in four stages: Recruitment and Proposal Review, Manuscript Submission, Editing, and Production and Publication.
The editorial board is responsible for actively soliciting new projects and for reviewing proposals, including the selection and assignment of peer reviewers. The EiC is responsible for initial communications with prospective authors and volume editors.
Atla Staff prepares a Google Drive folder and tracking spreadsheet.
Atla Staff advances the volume to the Copyediting stage in OMP and creates discussion boards for communication between authors, editors, and the editorial board.
EiC receives the completed manuscripts and uploads them to the dedicated Google Drive space. The EBL in consultation with the EiC and volume editor, if applicable, initially reviews the manuscript for suitability for publication. Atla Staff is responsible for engaging a cover artist, production designer, and a proofreader. Atla Staff also create front matter and back matter and with the EiC facilitate communication between editors and authors and contracted proofreaders and designers. All development and line editing work is carried out by the EBL and/or volume editor. The EiC designates a copyeditor from the Editorial Board.
A contracted designer will complete the layout of the book in InDesign. The EBL and the author or volume editor/chapter authors review and approve final page proofs. Atla staff are responsible for publishing the new volume to the Books@ website, making it available through Amazon, and ordering author and editor copies. The editorial board is responsible for identifying outlets for review and for promoting the release.
Books@Atla Open Press Scholarly Editions Workflows and Procedures for OMP 3.1.2
Prepared March 2020
Last revised February 2023