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Websites on Religion: New Religious Movements

The Atla Websites on Religion LibGuide is a growing, selective, annotated collection of web resources for the study of religion.
...those of us who study people's responses to new religious ideas should not labour with the misconception that our world is one in which religion is disappearing. For, to the contrary, the evidence is that new religions are arising all the time, that people do not respond to new problems by abandoning religion but by developing a new religion on the ruins of the old.
— Leonard Glick, "The anthropology of religions: Malinowski and beyond," p. 228

Open Access Books

New Religious Movements

Open Access Aggregators

DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books
Directory of Open Access Journals
Open Access Digital Theological Library
GlobeTheoLib Library
OAPEN, Open Access Publishing in European Networks
EBSCO Open Dissertations
Open Access Theses and Dissertations
Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources
AWOL - The Ancient World Online
AMIR - Access to Mideast & Islamic Resources
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.