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Websites on Religion: Neopaganism

The Atla Websites on Religion LibGuide is a growing, selective, annotated collection of web resources for the study of religion.
My gods are not tame. They do not always come when they are called. This is not a failure of ritual or a weakness of belief. It is the nature of my gods. I would no more expect a god to “show up” in my ritual space than I would expect to be able to call a mountain into my living room. That is simply not the nature of mountains. If I want to meet a mountain, I am the one who must move.

— Alison Leigh Lilly, “Gods Like Mountains, Gods Like Mist


Open Access Books

Open Access Aggregators

DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books
Directory of Open Access Journals
Open Access Digital Theological Library
GlobeTheoLib Library
OAPEN, Open Access Publishing in European Networks
EBSCO Open Dissertations
Open Access Theses and Dissertations
Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources
AWOL - The Ancient World Online
AMIR - Access to Mideast & Islamic Resources
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