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The Spiritans: Home

A Research Guide from Atla's CRRA Program


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Portraint of des Places


Welcome to this research guide on the Spiritans, more formally known as the Congregation of the Holy Spirit. They are also known as the "Holy Ghost Fathers." This guide will help you to research its founder, Claude Poullart des Places, and the congregation's history, charism, and mission. It will also guide you to resources on Francis Liebermann, known as the "second founder" of the congregation, as well as other well-known Spiritans of the past.

Center for Spiritan Studies

Click the image on the left to visit the Center for Spiritan Studies at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA.

Spiritan Resources Online

Below are direct links to rare and important digitized collections of Spiritan primary sources

Portrait of Libermann

Find Books on Well-Known Spiritans

Click a link below to find all materials by and about these famous Spiritans.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.