Selected collections of digitized Catholic materials from the libraries in North America
Welcome to this research guide created especially to link you to a selection of digitized materials on many aspects of Catholicism in the United States. All of these collections have been digitized so that these materials can be easily accessed by researchers around the world.
The types of materials that you can view are diverse:
The collections have been supplied by university and diocesan libraries. While most of the institutions represented provide access to many more electronic collections than these, those showcased here are ones that would seem to appeal to a wider rather than local audience.
The collections have been presented in two ways: alphabetically by title of collection and by contributing institution. You can access the various parts of this research guide by clicking the blue tabs at the top of the screen.
Many American Catholic newspapers have been digitized but they are not included in this list. To see them, visit the "Catholic Newspapers Program" website.