This work was published in 2004 by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace...and deals with...the church as the mission of Jesus Christ and its social doctrine, the human person and human rights, the family in society, human work and the economy, the political and international communities, the environment, promoting peace, pastoral actions and the activities of the laity, and working to build a civilization of love. (Text taken from Wikipedia) Click the link below to read the Compendium on the Vatican website.
Mother Jones, inspired by her Catholicism, joins with working boys to protest child labor. Photo by Lewis Hine, circa 1903.
Welcome to this subject guide on Catholic Social Action. This topic relates to action taken by Catholic organizations and individuals based upon Catholic teachings on social justice. Issues include the alleviation of poverty, recognition of human dignity, and working for the common good. This guide will link the user to a large collection of digital resources, to links that search the Catholic Portal for books and other materials on related topics, to high quality websites for basic information, and to important Church documents that form the basis for Catholic Social Teaching and action.
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Click a link below to see all materials in the Catholic Portal on that subject