The list of 146 journals was compiled by Barnaby Hughes, CLA member and metadata editor for Catholic serials at Atla. His criteria for inclusion are: open access (OA), Catholic publisher/Catholic content, peer-reviewed, and focused on religion. Of the 146 journals, 24 are published in the U.S., 94 are indexed in Atla, and 46 are listed in DOAJ. Most have MARC records in WorldCat. Contact Barnaby Hughes with questions or updates.
The Religion Commons is one part of the much wider Digital Commons Network, an open access institutional repository. The site contains a host of scholarly sources on several disciplines. The Religion Commons is broken down for researchers into sub-disciplines ranging from “Liturgy and Worship” to “Ethics in Religion.” Of the 173 participating institutions, top contributors include Pepperdine University, Asbury Theological Seminary, George Fox University, University of Dayton, and Liberty University.